There are three ways a flight can go: blissfully stable, (violently)turbulent, chaotically ending in a freefall. We say that flying is the safest way to move around, that it’s safer to get on a plane than in a car; that a plane can’t really fall and even if it did there’s a chance you land […]
What’s your story? We got off the plane
What’s your story? They were all dead
Brno, July 2015. Wandering around the streets of lovely Brno under the heat of the sun, we were looking for something to do indoors. It was either hiding from the sun, or complying to my friends’ request to rent a SEGWAY. Yakes, a segway. I hate those things. That’s how we’ll all end up […]
What’s your story? Hugging people I don’t know: Free hugs in Krakow
I had been dreaming of this moment for years. I remember in high school, when I first heard about it. Free hugs. I think it was the first time I realized the world could also be a good place. The first time since we moved to France that I saw people doing something […]
What’s your story? Policemen are humans
There’s this noticeable, strange and irrational fear for the police in France. Drivers getting nervous when they see a blue car, people twiking, behaving just a little bit out of normal when they come across the police. I haven’t seen this behaviour in any other country so far, and I can’t explain it to my […]
What’s your story? Chasing flowers in Slovakia
A grey, cold Sunday afternoon in Slovakia. The feeling that the weekend has flown by. The melancholy of having to say goodbye to a friend. A bus that can’t take the usual road to Devin. A bus driver that let us out in another village, 3 km away from the Devin ruins. […]
What’s your story? Supermarket in New-York
When I was a little girl I used to dream about spending the night in a supermarket. I used to imagine ways of hiding before closing time, and ways of getting out unseen at opening time. Then, of course, my favourite part was to picture me wandering around the supermarket and trying all kinds of […]
What’s your story? A year in France
A former student of mine ended up spending a year in France… in the same city I used to live! She kindly agreed to share her experience with the French way of life as a foreign student. A witty, yet honest, insight of life in France. For all those who wonder… and wander! Many thanks […]
What’s your story? A calligraphy in China
What follows is one of the best, if not the best, story that happened to me in China. I had to have a calligraphy made for our friends visiting us in China. At this time we were in Xi’an, so I escaped for a couple of hours under false pretences and went to the artist quarter. […]