Source “You keep traveling because nothing’s happened to you- yet.” When I heard this for the first time I paused. I didn’t know if I was shocked at the pessimism of the sentence or if she was right or absolutely wrong. It took me a few seconds to get out of my dream and […]
What’s your story?- Something happened
How to tell you the world is a happy place
So, this is… it? This is how you feel when it happens in your country. This is how you feel when an attack was carried where your family and friends live. This is how it feels to be away, to feel powerless. Jihadists have taken the lives of the entire redaction of the French magazine […]
What’s your story? A year in France
A former student of mine ended up spending a year in France… in the same city I used to live! She kindly agreed to share her experience with the French way of life as a foreign student. A witty, yet honest, insight of life in France. For all those who wonder… and wander! Many thanks […]
What’s your story? The tired inspector
After posting this note on personal anecdotes and stories, I decided to share some of mine with you. Just to give the blog a more personal and human touch. I hope you appreciate them and you eventually share your anecdotes with us. France, 2012. On a regional train, somewhere around Lyon, on a sunny […]
C’est Versailles, Madame
“This is Versailles, Madame” was told Marie-Antoinette when she questionned the etiquette applied during her reign. When Louis XIV (aka: “le Roi Soleil”) made Versailles the heart and the icon of his powerful reign, everything was about appearances. The royal boats on the canal (“Grand Canal”), the eleven fountains of the gardens, the fireworks to […]