here’s a non-exhaustive list of what to take with you if you’re moving to Bratislava. As always, take the essentials and never take something…
Moving to Bratislava, Slovakia: what you need to pack
The colours of Bratislava
Rain changes the perspective of a city. Visiting Budapest under the cold rain or under a bright sunshine changes how much you like the city. Same goes for a lot of places… But rain seems to give Bratislava a new life. The light, the colours that stand out are different from those that we see on […]
What’s your story? Policemen are humans
There’s this noticeable, strange and irrational fear for the police in France. Drivers getting nervous when they see a blue car, people twiking, behaving just a little bit out of normal when they come across the police. I haven’t seen this behaviour in any other country so far, and I can’t explain it to my […]
Bratislava en un jour
[section type=”sightseing” title=”Bratislava en un jour”] Vous avez dit Bratislava? C’est ça, Bratislava. Une ville où se mélangent modernité et traditions; où le folklore slovaque cohabite avec les cultures autrichiennes, hongroises et polonaises. Bratislava s’est imposée comme capitale slovaque après le divorce de velours en 1989, bien qu’elle ait toujours été présente à […]
City tour: Bratislava in one day
[section type=”drink” title=”Eat and drink in Bratislava”] Bratislava is full of little quirks and secrets. It’s a place that requires time to discover and understand, but it’s always a good place to enjoy a fresh beer on a terrace. Note: Prices given are price for a beer as of the year 2014-2015 Pubs and places […]
All the small things- Living in Bratislava
The reactions to my last post got me thinking about how and what I’d written about Slovakia. I wasn’t trying to list negative aspects, nor was I saying that I didn’t like my life here. It was more a cry of wanderlust than a post about Slovakia. Confused? Me too! We’ve been living in Bratislava […]
Changing criteria
We, the both of us together, started travelling in 2011. Leaving France, our home, our jobs for a better place. The question was: where to? How do you choose a country to live in? How can you choose when you don’t know what the place looks like? We- I speak for ourselves- can’t. We can’t […]
Koľko jazykov vieš, toľkokrát si človekom
“The more languages you know, the more men you are.” Being a teacher doesn’t mean that you have all the knowledge. Being a teacher includes learning from your students. And last week, I learnt something. A simple sentence, an old proverb still used in Slovakia. A proverb that explains why Slovaks are open-minded, why it’s […]