There’s something in the air. Something that makes you happy, romantic, euphoric. There’s something about this island that makes it unique, unforgettable, that makes you never want to leave.
If you find yourself wandering down the swirling paths of a mountain overlooking the turquoise sea, you’re in Crete.
If, when you step off of the ferry, you slow down the pace of your life, you’re in Crete.
If your ears are drawn by the enchanting tunes of a lyra, you are in Crete.
If the first three words you pick up are kalimera, efharisto and yamas, you are in Crete.
If smiling becomes part of your routine, you are in Crete.
If you find yourself drinking raki before noon because the people in the bar invite you to their table, you are in Crete.
Hundreds of cats live their life in the alleys, kittens jump on your lap for you to pet them. The autumn sun is soft, the heat is bearable, the water is warm.
Nature is wild, the hiking paths are almost non existent and sometimes the only way to go from a village to another is to take a boat, even if they are on the same island.
Life is peaceful in Crete.
There is no stress down in Crete.
You’ll eat like you never did before, in Crete.
The wind caresses your face, the music fills your ears, you’ll never turn your eyes away from the sea.