It took me weeks to find out what was wrong with me. In between cries, loss of appetite, mood changes, insecurity and wanting to leave everything behind once again, I finally read an article that was describing exactly how I felt. That was putting words on feelings and things I couldn’t explain. I didn’t know there […]
8 mistakes I did when I had post-trip depression
Coping with staying home: tips for travelers
“I just don’t get how you get completely stressed out with paperwork but being out there sleeping on a bench doesn’t bother you at all” I don’t know what it is that makes me so nervous when I come back to my family and friends. I love it though. I really do. I’m actually really […]
Moving to Bratislava, Slovakia: what you need to pack
here’s a non-exhaustive list of what to take with you if you’re moving to Bratislava. As always, take the essentials and never take something…
Moving to China, Xi’An: what you need to pack
Moving to China? Keep it simple! Four pair of trousers, three pair of shoes, as many tops as you can and…
How expensive is Crete?
The simple answer is: it gets as expensive as you want it to be. There’s a range of quality and price for every purse, although you are there to spend. It’s very much like going to SE Asia: you can spend close to nothing to hundreds. But it’s likely that you’ll buy more than what […]
A weekend in Krakow
[section type=”drink” title=”Eat and drink in Krakow”] Needless to say the city crawls with bars and restaurants. But if you’re looking for something nice in the old town, there are some places worth trying more than others: Note: Prices given are price for a beer as of the year 2015 Pubs and restaurants: [guide] [item […]
“I’ll never go there”: the dangers of travelling
Are there any countries you said you would never visit? Did you want to go somewhere but got scared off by something or someone? Is it dangerous to travel? Is it safe to travel? What are the dangers? Are holidays safer than a backpack adventure… Close your eyes and imagine China. Remember everything you’ve […]
Huangguoshu Waterfalls黄果树瀑布
A nice place to visit around Anshun, but I think that despite the mass of tourists, it’s better to go in summer. The water level will be higher and the waterfalls more impressive. Huangguoshu Waterfalls is another artifical park. China’s mountains are, for most, impossible to reach by yourself so parks have been built throughout […]